Friday, March 7, 2014

Coming in like a lion

We ended an odd February with hosting a Murder Mystery party, some movie dates with friends and lots of watching "jump skiing" on our terrible prime-time NBC coverage of the Olympics.  At least Matthew has lots of new career aspirations after watching the Olympics :-)  The kids also spent the month counting down the sleeps until they could head to see Mas and Pas and Amma and Papa as March was bringing a big family trip.   First we had to get out of Bozeman of course, which was not so easy when our first flight meant 2 hours sitting on the tarmac.  The kids handled it remarkably well:
Catherine is a pretty good traveler for 2.5 years old, but has the annoying habit of finally falling asleep in the minute and a half it takes between the airplane touching down and coming to a complete stop.  We ended up having to carry this drowsy girl through 2 airports.
When we got to Mas and Pas it was storytime as always:
They very dutifully helped Mas feed Uncle John's cats:
And Catherine prepared Boo to be a world class traveler:
And Mas read even more stories:
There were lots of trips to the park:

And some very special retirement cake as we watched some UVA basketball.
Soon after James and I headed out across the Atlantic but the kiddos stayed for some grandparent fun.  From the looks of the pictures and the stories they've told, they had a great time!

The kids eventually transferred to visit with Amma and Papa and we came back from London to meet up with them.  They were definitely happy and healthy and have enjoyed their one-on-one time with the grandparents.  According to the grandparents they were angels while we were gone though I don't actually trust them to give me an accurate description.  I've been told enough that "what happens at grandma's stays at grandma's" :-)  A special thanks to Pas for taking some great photos while we were gone!

1 comment:

  1. We missed you and are glad you are back. Looks like the kiddo's had fun with the "grands"


Five on Friday

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