Matthew's very generous grandparents and uncles have showered our house with fun things again. From new books and ducks, to puzzles, singing cards and tractors Matthew has had a great week. We are very fortunate to have so many people looking out for this handsome kid. He got this John Deere from Uncle Matt's Woot obsession and couldn't wait to start playing. He even insisted on putting it together . . .
But eventually he let Daddy help a little.
Even though we are positive it is not put together correctly right now (curse you Uncle Matt!) Matthew loves it and unlike his other riding toy, he can actually go forward on this one. We were hoping to take it outside because it's spring, but of course spring here means something a little different than back east and we woke up to a few inches of snow this morning so cruising around our tiny living room will have to do for now.
And here he is playing with daddy, only to take a break to check out his new favorite duck. He now insists on a high five pretty much every time he catches a ball.
And here he is giving his bath toys their baths. James ran out of body parts for Matthew to wash on his own body so they started washing the monsters.
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