Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Video Backlog and Misc. Cute

Some fun videos that have been sitting around:

Matthew likes when Grandpa does "Spider Spider" to him in the car, but he really LOVES it when grandpa does "Spider Spider" with super-ticklish Amma. Now he's ready for Catherine to start playing:

And here's Catherine doing some tummy time on the Boppy pillow. The perspective makes her head look frickin' huge, but I promise last we she's huge, but she's at least proportionally huge at this point, like her brother was. Her brother at almost 2, however, is a totally different story with his giant head.

And here's Catherine rocking her cow dress from Uncle Matt. She has a love/hate relationship with the bows on the shoulders and spent much of the day either trying to nom them, or being frustrated because she was inadvertently nomming them.

During Catherine's 10-20 mins. of non-nursing, awake time Matthew is pretty jazzed to have Catherine sit in his lap.

From July
Though his squirmy-ness when she does is becoming a bit of a problem
From July
This weekend has been awesome so far. The kids and I took a nice hike/walk on the lookout for Matthew's favorite animals while James golfed *cough* drank *cough*:
From July
This afternoon I got some good Matthew and Mommy time in while we took our first trip to the pool. Like everything it took him a while to warm up, but 20 minutes later, for better or worse, he was jumping in like a mad man, dunking his head and rocking the innertube/floatie. Meanwhile, James got some quality time with Catherine and I came home to find this:
From July

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