Since I sometimes post embarrassing things about my kids here, its only fair I share one of my greatest parenting/teaching failures. I am the worst artist on the face of the planet. Matthew often asks me to draw for him. Houses - triangle on top of square, check. Birds - curved V, check. Horse - crap. Somehow this is what I came up with, and I'm pretty certain it'll give Matthew nightmares in the future. Today he seemed at least amused with it:
Catherine meanwhile, has just been hanging out and being cute:
Though sometimes big brother needs to get in on the action:
And hanging out after bath in her duck towel:
And speaking of hanging out, this has been hanging out on my camera for a while. Matthew LOVES to help cook and his favorite task is to add a pinch of salt to anything or stir, but for pizza his favorite task is sprinkling toppings. Well, his favorite self-appointed task is eating the raw dough covered with pesto, but eventually he gets around to the toppings:
And here's one of he and daddy playing with the bubbles during his first bubble bath. I heard boisterous laughter and had to go check it out:
And last but not least, here's a video that's been gathering dust from the Pozun's last visit. Aunt Sharon sent Matthew this dinosaur pull toy as a big brother gift and he loves it!