Monday, November 28, 2011


Looking back on a year that's quickly coming to an end (aaaahhh!) we have much to be thankful for:

A two year old with a million dollar smile and infectious laugh:

A 5 month old with generous grins and coos that melt your heart:

Uncles that are amazing with our kids:

and Amma & Pappa and Mas and Pas who love them like their own:

An amazing husband and father:

And an amazing town in Montana that we'll get to return to.  As much as we love and miss our friends and family in Virginia and as thankful as we are for the ability to spend a few weeks here, there are no regrets about the odd road that lead us to Montana.  We can't wait to get back to our mountains, snow, fresh, non-humid air and small town traffic and crowds.  It's been a crazy year since last Thanksgiving and though we lifted up many prayers and good thoughts for friends and family this holiday season, we also had plenty to be thankful for.


In the meantime, we're enjoying every second we're here.  We had a fantastic Thanksgiving with James' family where Catherine certainly chowed down.  She started solids earlier last week with some sweet potatoes, green beans and chicken (warning: there's even messier babyfood pictures below!):

On Thanksgiving, she started with an appetizer of sand:

And then dove in to her brother's leftover turkey, cranberry, sweet potatoes, corn casserole and more:


She thought it was awesome and is quite the eater.  Matthew enjoyed the company more than the food and hung out with Mas

and his second cousin, Daphne.

In the meantime I'll have pictures from this past weekend in Northern Virginia eventually but right now we're enjoying the slower pace of Bath County with Amma and Papa.  Both kids are (finally) taking long naps at the same time so I'm off to catch up on a little bit of everything, including figuring out the gazillions of photos I've collected over the week.

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