Sunday, May 6, 2012

Changing plans

I got my early Mother's Day present this weekend.  About halfway through this post I bet you'll be able to figure out what it was :-)

Anyway, we were supposed to go to grandma's this weekend.  It's been way too long since we've visited.  Here's the last picture we took of Catherine and Grandma.  Look at how tiny she was!!
And now she's this monster who keeps taking the tray off her highchair and is sure to give grandma a run for her money next week:

However, our little adorable, monster/peanut came down with croup Friday morning so instead of going to grandma's we stayed home.  She's doing a bit better when she's awake but she still sounds like a baby seal when she coughs and has a tough time sleeping.  It hasn't stopped her from getting into everything like June's bed:

 Or Matthew's highly coveted new-to-him book:

 Or Daddy's hair:

Meanwhile, Matthew's like an elephant who never forgets combined with the energy of a hummingbee crossed with the chatter of an excited monkey.  He always takes me by surprise with what he remembers.  Today he and I went shopping together.  Last time just the two of us went shopping we bought a dinosaur puzzle so today the entire trip it was "Mommy and Matthew go shopping.  Buy *increase volume/accentuation here* dinosaur puzzle!!"  

Thank goodness he's so cute!

 And being slightly more serious:

 Today was dinosaur days at the museum so we headed over to check it out.  Matthew dug for fossils:

 Check out bones/vessels under the microscope:

 And got his face painted again:


Meanwhile Catherine came along for the ride, keeping her germy hands to herself.  

All in all not a bad weekend but we sure were bummed to miss grandma.  We have exciting visitors this week and then we're off to grandma's.  Besides an overdue visit all of our garden/outdoor tools are still at the old house and our yard desperately needs them (and for me to be out of this walking boot, but that's another sob story).

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 06, 2012

    Did you buy a dinosaur puzzle?


Five on Friday

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