Well, it’s been way too long. A variety of technical flubs, annoyances and my resistance to moving my photo library have made for quite the drought of non-Facebook posting! Since part of my photo library move is going to be some culling and re-organizing, I’ll try and share with you all as I work backwards until I catch up to December!
So from today, here’s dear sweet Catherine rocking her Triceratops hand-me downs and asking for a picture with Olivia!
And sir John showing off his mastery of spoons! He is going through a funny phase of insisting on using his utensils. Yesterday he was spearing french fries with his fork, but then taking them off the fork to eat them. He’s an adorable weirdo!
And speaking yesterday, it was Elite 8 day with a UVA game on Easter Sunday. While we have navigated a successful cable-free existence for 10 years, we don’t have a way of watching TBS so it was off to Buffalo Wild Wings for us to cheer on the Hoos. I gave the kids a choice of wearing their fancy Easter clothes or their UVA gear and Matthew, our budding contrarian, decided on the Easter gear because it was blue . . . “like Duke”.
But before we went to cheer on the Hoos, we headed out for our Easter swim! Our hot springs are open and as Montana weather is unpredictable at best for Easter, we’ve found it a great way to burn off some Easter sugar before Easter dinner, plus it gave us an excuse to check out the swanky new pools!
And the Easter bunny loot! There were peeps on a stick for all!
Plus some small lego sets and new outside gear! John enjoyed hunting eggs and even managed to beat the big kids to a few:
We dyed eggs Saturday morning. All three kids had a good time!
John of course had to taste them!
While the big kids took their color choices very seriously!
And it was super surprising that we had no eggs thrown this year! While John didn’t throw any eggs, throwing has been on his mind. His word of the week is ball and he spends much of his time throwing them for anyone who will play. We’ve worked this to our advantage and he’s been playing ball with the dogs and the cats. In fact, the other day as it was snowing/sleeting (and he was super cranky for other reasons) he was desperate to go outside for “gog, ball” so we went out. Here he is waiting for Sky to retrieve the ball.
And the very unusual mommy nap from earlier. We think he was coming down with yet another round of the crud as he was super cranky when I came home from volunteering and then passed out for a morning nap. Sadly, this meant he skipped afternoon nap, hence us choosing our battles about “gog, ball” in the snow!
When he doesn’t have the crud is his normal cheerful self, this boy loves reading, just like big brother and sister. Though I should be clear, he loves reading himself, more than he loves being read to right now. He has very strong opinions about what’s on each page and how fast you should be turning the pages :-) Meanwhile, Matthew is still a rockstar reader and is tearing through a chapter book a day, obsessed temporarily with the Magic Treehouse series.
And one happy boy at the Museum riding a sea otter! (probably the source of our most recent icky germs!)
And racing through the dinosaur hall!
Love his “thinker” position while he sleeps!
Last weekend we had a gorgeously misleading 70 degree day! I hit the trails for a run and we cleaned out the garage finally!
Since it was the last day of spring break we took an impromptu ice cream run after dinner. John definitely approved!
And while I’d love to share our spring break pics with Amma and Papa, I have a toddler incredibly frustrated by his puzzle while simultaneously feeding the dogs popcorn so I should go! Hopefully I’ll have even more to share soon, or at least much sooner than it has been!
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