1. We finally sent our Xmas cards out last week. If you didn’t get one and would like one, shoot me a message. My contact list is a hot mess of partial digital transitions over the past decade, so really, it’s not you, it’s me. Or . . . you can just enjoy this version if you are done with Xmas cards for the year, though really, send me your new address. None of our cards got returned this year, but that doesn't mean I have any faith they got delivered either:

2. It’s a potty training miracle over here. John was potty trained and then we went through a crazy regression when Spencer was born. After we got back from WY, John decided he was ready to poop in the potty regularly, as long as we gave him his privacy to go. Screen time has always been a bribe option, but with his new kindle, something just clicked these past weeks. Now I worry he is going too much, which apparently isn’t a thing according to Google and my search history of shame, yet I still worry. Matthew the other day was commenting to John “You know, you don’t get screen time for putting your poop in the potty forever” to which I agreed, as I was grabbing my phone to head upstairs and ....... 😜. Needless to say, between potty training and Captain Underpants it’s all poop discussions all the time over here, which is why pretty much only family visits us these days.
3. Speaking of guests, we were lucky to have my parents stop in over the long weekend and love on the kids. I am getting terrible about taking pics because my kids lose their minds when I go to do it and make ridiculous faces (see below). Also, visitors mean I have an opportunity to sneak away from these adorable monsters of our own creation. Matthew got to hit up dart zone with Papa, Catherine went and painted ceramics with Amma and John just wanted someone to chat with him about some game on his kindle and Amma and Papa seemed like willing suckers.
Catherine went to pick up here creations today and was so proud/excited!
Thanks again Amma for the fun afternoon for our little crafter!
4. Speaking of crafts, John spent one day perusing Catherine’s craft books and became insistent on making a gingerbread house which clearly was not happening in January. I came up with an ingenious idea for him to spread some cream cheese on some old stale graham crackers and add sprinkles. He thought it was the best thing ever and worked on them for nearly an hour and it let me work on my taxes. #Suckitpinterest #worldsokayestmom
5. This weekend I snuck away on my girls(+Spencer) weekend. We skiied in Yellowstone and “hiked” (it was only 1/4 mile in but I hauled a baby and pack and play in so I’m calling it hardcore) to a Forest Service cabin for a few nights of good food, drink and fun! 10 women with 25 kids among us and we got to leave 24 of them at home :-)
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