I also took Spencer to the library and he had a blast and I had a blast from the past as every other mom there had just one kiddo between 7 and 14 months. I was weirdly nostalgic for the ease of parenting one but thankful for the perspective time and quantity give 😂
John had a good time too, though being at baby story time overwhelmed him with too many crawlers who didn’t know how to share so he spent most of the event giving me sad puppy dog eyes as another baby came and grabbed his toy, so we went to build blocks in the big kid section too!
Before school reading. One day my kids will figure out that I am exploiting their love of books in lieu of a solid behavior management or parenting strategy.
Until then I’ll deal with stacks of books and some overdue library fines in exchange for some fleeting peace and quiet.
2. Matthew got student of the week for his grade and there was an Orange Julius coupon involved so we went and toasted his acknowledgement/
Catherine also hit a milestone and rode her bike home by herself. On Fridays Matthew has choir rehearsal and picking up Catherine falls squarely during nap time so we are all looking forward to this development.
3. And speaking of (no)naptime, someone has 4 teeth now! It is so exciting he can hardly sleep #truestory
They are perfect for tasting gifts from Amma and Papa.
But not enough to scare away the cat who is now bold enough to sit ON Spencer’s lap.
Or enough that he's lost all his giggles:
4. We’ve all gotten a little crafty this week. We kicked it off testing a robotics lesson and decorated some eggs in a very modern way:
Then I decided to lighten up the camper with new cushion covers and curtains. This was the original decor:
The update. I may have seen more in the last 48 hours than the rest of my life combined, and I still have more to go.
Don’t worry, the burnt orange carpet is staying a while longer, though the wallpaper is probably going before this weekend. In more practical news, we’ve tested everything but the water system and it all works as expected. Yay!
And Catherine started writing a book. I have a hard time believing it’ll be fiction and I’m not sure if I find it hilarious or sad she gave it a reading level 😂
And we took a family cooking class! Our local Farm to School program is offering a free series of classes. Our family made the beet brownies!

And we took a family cooking class! Our local Farm to School program is offering a free series of classes. Our family made the beet brownies!
5. John is a ball of fire, hilarity, energy and words that goes 100 miles a minute. He is most of the time intentionally hilarious, though sometimes he is unintentially so. He has no fear keeping up with the big kids and has been riding his scooter on one foot:

And he is still super excited about all presents, especially clothes:
We got on an off-topic dinner conversation about prank ideas. John tried to tell us a prank and he not only didn’t really have a plan but he got a hilarious case of the giggles. Spencer was unimpressed by this weird chocolate milk prank idea (we think). Enjoy!

And he is still super excited about all presents, especially clothes:
We got on an off-topic dinner conversation about prank ideas. John tried to tell us a prank and he not only didn’t really have a plan but he got a hilarious case of the giggles. Spencer was unimpressed by this weird chocolate milk prank idea (we think). Enjoy!
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