2. This little guy turned six months this week. We've celebrated with 3 straight rounds of antibiotics/ear infections, but he's finally in the clear!

He also got to go to his first restaurant as a participating diner.

And he's still enjoying this toy that he got from his big siblings at Christmas. In no way, shape or form does it look like a dog, yet for some reason my kids are convinced it's not a caterpillar but a dog.

And two of my favorite people:

3. The big kids had their art show at school this week. They both had great work to show!

4. Matthew also had his pinewood derby this week. We're so proud that he did all the cutting and sanding himself this year. We did help him paint as it was sub-zero and I don't trust a 3rd grader with spray paint in my kitchen :-) It raced well but of course there's room for more tweaking for next year.

5. After a spat of cancelled activities and sub-zero temperatures (we may not ever get snowdays in Montana but outdoor activities for kids do get cancelled when its sub-zero) it is kinda warming up. I think it's warming up just enough to start snowing tomorrow, but the streets are being plowed and there's some amount of hope on the horizon for spring or things that are spring-like so we are making spring and summer plans! We are currently looking at 5,125 miles of fun. Stay tuned via facebook as I'll be doing some crowdsourcing for ideas and travel tips for make certain locations - Big Horn Battlefield, Denver, central Kansas, Williamsburg, DC, Cape May, NYC, Youngstown, PA and all points between :-) We are also looking forward to seeing as many people as possible if you're willing to meet us and chat over the ongoing din of 4 kiddos.
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