- the pile of cords in his room and of course not at all dangerous space heater, white noise machine and charging cable.
- the roomba. I always thought pics/videos of babies riding roombas were staged, until I had one OBSESSED with climbing on top and hitting the button. He doesn't enjoy the ride yet he still keeps doing it.
- the dog food and water. Though there is a chance that our dog food is more nutritionally sound than some of our road trip meals and rushed lunches I'd still prefer my kids stay out of it.

Oh, and as if that wasn't enough, he is pulling himself to standing so he can increase his fall length a little more.

#bitchpleasecat is not amused by this development either
2. The kids had a 4 day weekend for teacher conferences so we took a trip to Billings! We are building up to our big summer trip so we took the camper, even though we mostly did "big city" things :-) The kids think Billings is "the most awesome town ever" and I feel like there aren't many people who describe it that way so I should probably get their Chamber of Commerce to pay my kids as spokespeople. First, there was the Zoo:

Then we stopped in at our campsite and James and I relished the fact that 3 of our kids could be sent to the playground by themselves while we completed every vacation's least favorite task of if/when/how/where will the baby sleep.

Then dinner at Scheels, the sporting goods store that is its own event with a ferris wheel, bowling, a , play area and more. I tend to get analysis paralysis in the store, but the kids had money from Amma and Papa burning holes in their pockets, so we even shopped this time!
Then back to the campground for our first s'mores of the season!
The next day we hit up a trampoline park and the kids LOVED it.
And finally we stopped in at the waterpark for some splashing and sliding. Everyone is getting to be confident in the water, which is great because in new-Bozeman you have to reserve swim lessons for your kids a million years in advance . . . especially if you are lazy and refuse to do them at different times/days for different kids. So, here we sit on the waiting list.

It was a crazy, fun and exhausting 2 days, celebrated with 4 sleeping kids in the car on the way home. 4. At the SAME TIME. It's like finding a unicorn in the trunk or something :-)
3. Matthew has been experimenting with stop motion animation and he's pretty good and very, very patient!
4. John is a monopoly beast. He beat Catherine and I twice and now understands the rules enough to play mostly peacefully with his siblings, at least until he is ready for the regular version then I expect all hell to break loose.

5. And this family is even more hilarious when bouncing:
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