Saturday, April 26, 2014

Circus fun, princess dresses, Easter and more!

I'm sitting here enjoying some Mollie B. Polka Party and RFD-TV with grandma while she catches up with her kindle and I catch up with my photos.  So much has happened since last time we came to grandma's but it also seems like we were just here!

It's definitely "spring" in Bozeman which means lots of intermittent snow, wind and rain.  We took refuge in the Children's Museum one morning.  Catherine was our shop keeper (note that her outfit was one of her original "princess" outfits, according to her.  Anything dress-like is a princess outfit).  
James took the kiddos to the park one halfway decent afternoon.  Matthew conquered the climbing rock all by himself.  He was pretty darn proud.  He also got new tennis shoes sometime this month, and he oddly and consistently credits them with his increased speed and abilities:
We worked with using "plans" and following directions in preschool and Matthew made a pirate ship:
 We took the kids to the MSU pow-wow the other week.  It was quite impressive:
 Our view was blocked for a while but I definitely couldn't complain:
 Here's another one of Catherine's princess outfits.  She thinks a headband right now is a crown.  I'm happy for her to believe this for quite some time!
 Another big excitement was our trip to the circus.  A few weeks ago I told Matthew we couldn't buy cotton candy at Target because it was much better fresh.  He certainly remembered that and asked for "fresh" cotton candy as soon as he saw it!
 One of Matthew's buds is having a circus birthday party this summer so I'm glad Matthew has something to relate to, but the circus itself was underwhelming.  This is not surprising as it was held in the 4-H sale barn.  However, some highlights were the 3 motorcyclists in the cage:
We splurged on face painting since we skipped the very short and crowded elephant ride and photos taken with baby alligators.

  The elephants were impressing but the low ceiling impeded some of their tricks:
The kiddos had a good time with their friends and we adults had a few good laughs over the dancer/stripper/acrobatic acts. 
After the circus excitement, we started preparing for Easter.  Even though it was crazy late this year, it always catches up on me.  Luckily, we got a box of goodies from Amma and Papa to help spring us into the season.  Catherine fell in love with her Easter dress immediately.  Every time I turned around she was putting it on, unfortunately the first two "occasions" she chose were to play in the sandbox and for a spaghetti dinner.  I put it off as long as possible and then she got to wear it on Friday to a friend's Easter party.  She started off pairing it with a hat I had won at a workshop the week before and the matching sweater:
 Eventually she lost the hat and sweater (and I cropped out the bright turquoise socks she chose):

 Matthew being a goof:

 I tried to take a few more photos outside but the wind was blowing like crazy:
 And they were about ready for a major sugar crash:
 Of course we had to take a silly photo:
 Somehow Catherine changed from her dress shoes to rain boots for the pics:
Day 2 she started out with thermals underneath her dress, even though this may have been the warmest Easter on record in Bozeman. 
 On Saturday, I had to work a table at an expo so James was on egg hunt duty.  They hit up the Museum's egg hunt.  Unfortunately, this meant one parent for two age ranges of hunts as Catherine was eligible for the 0-3 and Matthew the 4-6.  James took the kiddos to the 4-6 hunt which was apparently intense and Catherine only ended up with one egg, but she was pretty darn proud of it!
 Afterwards, a friend had invited us for a potluck and egg hunt for the afternoon so James took the kiddos there.  She fared far better among our preschool friends:

 Saturday night we finally dyed our eggs.  I was super impressed that we had zero cups of dye knocked over and the kids mostly used the dippers for the eggs.  There were no dyed fingers at all this year!

 It was quite late as we started so the kiddos ran up to put on pjs before we took pics with the finished eggs.  Matthew was pretty proud of his "awesome" eggs:
 He really liked the mostly white egg with orange spots which we labeled a dinosaur egg.  He really didn't want it dyed in any other color.
The next morning they were pretty excited as they came down the stairs:
 The Easter Bunny left some soccer balls for the kiddos:
 And of course some Cadbury eggs:
 They also got some new clothes.  Matthew wouldn't step back so I could take pics but this is such a great pic of his ornery little personality:
 Catherine was a more than willing model, though she it's hard to take her picture anymore because she just wants to dance!
 Catherine got a new swimming suit, but because she is her own fashion maven, she promptly paired it with some Christmas leggings.

We spent most of the day working in the backyard and soaking up the sunshine.  Between the new soccer balls and some new sand toys we had to drag the kiddos inside.  Catherine later hopped back into her Easter dress (this time paired with polka dot leggings) and we headed over to the neighbors for a lovely dinner.  It was a crazy week and month but an enjoyable one!  

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