Last weekend we headed down to our old stomping grounds. Our cousin had won a ride on a fire trip and invited us to join in! As always, the kids made it hard to get a pic of all three :-)
Of course the kiddos needed fire hats to start the adventure!The boys in front of the 1939 fire engine!
Then in a shocking turn of events, our guide said something to the effect of: "now the kids can climb in and on any of the trucks they want!" Boy did the kiddos take advantage of that:
They also got a chance to shoot a fire extinguisher:
The fire truck took us over to a local pizza place where the kids had pizza and cake and took home even more fire swag! It was a super fun afternoon and we were so glad to be included, we just wish we could see these cousins more often.
We then headed back to grandma's for dinner, to hang out, and watch some Molly B polka party :-) Unfortunately it was a very short trip but I'm glad we made it down!
I'm also glad we made it back home when we did as we woke up to this on Monday!
It didn't slow us down too much but we did stay in bed for a few extra cuddles. Matthew wanted a picture with Olivia as he convinced her to cuddle with us a bit:
And here's some pics at playgroup taken by Matthew's buddy Matthew (or other Matthew as he's sometimes called):
The kiddos went to a "Tangled" themed birthday party this week. They loved the hats and braids:
And Matthew discovered the horns on his viking helmet can be turned down. He calls it his "sad viking" and took this pic to commemorate it:
Last but not least James and I are busy planning our upcoming summer. Our yard needs quite a bit of TLC to make it the yard we want so we are *trying* to commit to spending more of our weekends working on it instead of camping *sniff*. To balance it out, our hope is to spend one day working in the yard and one day doing a day trip or local adventure. This weekend's trip was an adventure to the hot springs! I've been underwhelmed by the swim lessons the kids have taken and overwhelmed by the cost. We decided what might help them the most for right now is just more time in the pool and water instead of 30 minute sessions of taking turns waiting for drills, so we snagged some punch cards with the plan of hitting the pool hard in May so that by the time the lakes and rivers warm up the kids are far more confident in and around water. So far, so good. The kids had a blast and James and I got a nice warm soak after a day of hauling pavers and rocks. Hopefully after a lot more time just playing, exploring and practicing with James and I we'll be ready to tackle lessons again.
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